Backing Tracks for Piano - Keyboards

The tracks in this category have no piano or other keyboards on them. They have a sparsely played guitar providing some basic chord direction, leaving room for you to lead the tune.

You will gain valuable experience and confidence working with the backing tracks in this category. Play gigs and functions with them and earn your money back tenfold.

If you are a singing pianist or part of a duo you can also successfully work with these tracks.

Horns and other Melody Instrument players may find these lighter, more sparsely played backing tracks to their liking also. Even guitarists might consider using some of these as an alternative to the tracks with piano on them.

If you would prefer to have more sparse backing tracks (without guitar on them) you might consider using our backing tracks for Chordal Instruments.

All tracks include chord charts or sheet music for C, Bb and Eb parts . Any sheet music will be a melody line and chord symbols only, not a full piano score.

Check product details for each selection to see what is included.

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250 products
This Guy's In Love - for All Instruments
Lady Bird - for All Instruments
'S Wonderful - for All Instruments
Unforgettable - Backing Tracks
Sidewinder - for All Instruments
Doxy - for All Instruments
Autumn Leaves - for Piano
Careless Whisper - for Instruments
On A Clear Day - for All Instruments
Four - for All Instruments
Girl From Ipanema - for Piano
What You Won't Do For Love - for Instruments
Fly Me To The Moon - for Piano
Ode To Billy Joe - for All Instruments
Summertime (Ballad) - for Piano / Keyboards
Black Orpheus - for Piano & Keyboards
Summertime (Ballad) - Multi-Track Package - Audio Stems
From £15.00 £20.00 25% Off
Soulful Strut - for All Instruments